
By Artechna
Little Deity OCs.
Currently working on making another carrd for the deities' favorite humans!
This isn't a "story." It's a universe I've created where many stories intertwine and take place.
So basically, all of the stories take place on an alternate version of Earth where there’s another main religious practice called Amaranthine. In this universe, there are a bunch of Earth concepts which are the same and a bunch that are altered. For example, many main historical events still happened, but history is also altered because of the religion and the events that it caused.
Its followers are called Amaranths, its sacred book is called The Scriptures, its sacred plant is the Red Amaranth, and its symbol is the Holy Ring. It’s a polytheistic religion consisting of 11 current deities, though for a long time there was only 8. Humans like to follow the religion because they believe the deities have outlined the best ways to live and will protect them with their guidances.
It’s common for a really religious Amaranth to follow one deity’s scripture over the others, attempting to abide every rule and guideline in that deity’s scripture to attain a fulfilled life and good path.
The sacred plant is the red amaranth. It’s believed that for each drop of deity blood spilled, an amaranth grows on Earth (since deity blood is a similar pinkish-red color.) You can see religious followers wearing flower crowns of it to festivals and stuff. It also can be eaten (yum) and some people make amaranth porridge or cakes on special holidays.
The most important holiday is Creahtim, which is on December 25th. Basically knockoff Christmas. It’s a celebration of when The Universe created the first two deities and The Deities' Haven (the place where all the deities live) and those first two deities created Earth, the sun, and the moon.
The only power higher than the deities is The Universe, which is the entity responsible for the creation of the deities and the Deities’ Haven. The creation dates of all the other deities are also considered Amaranthine holidays.
Oh! Also the deities are allowed to have "favorite humans" 👀. They can put their blessing on one human at a time. The human gets a bunch of cool perks and powers and stuff and a lot of them go down in history. Each deity has a specific marking that they will brand their favorite human with. The deities are not allowed to appear in the flesh and reveal their divine identities to any human besides their favorite humans, so favorite humans are very special indeed.
Seare (sear) (she/her)
Deity of: warmth, the sun, happiness, kindness
Creation Date: December 25th of the 0th year (6 days before time became accounted for)
Individual abilities: healing human wounds (non-fatal, can't heal damage that she herself inflicted), warming objects up
She’s pretty much the leader of all the deities. She (and Seldon) existed before any of the others, and she is responsible for creating Earth and the sun. She’s celebrated on December 25th (the day she was created and the day she and Seldon created Earth.)
She’s a rather kind deity, doing her best to help the humans on Earth. She also sets rules for the other deities and is responsible for punishing them if necessary.
She's far too lawful for her own good, choosing to abide to the rules that have been set even if breaking them would benefit someone. (I.e. she won't heal another deity's favorite human if they are sick since she is not allowed to appear to a human that is not her favorite.)
Some of the other deities don’t really like her, because she only has to see the nice, peachy, happy aspects of Earth when a lot of the others see and deal with all the horrors. :c
She also can’t really relate to others’ sadness or uneasiness since she is rarely sad. She struggles with this disconnect, especially around Seldon, who is sad a lot of the time.
This lawfulness also appears in the way she keeps her favorite humans accountable for their mistakes, threatening them with the loss of their humanity if they abuse her power five times. She has done this to one of her favorite humans, Fenn, but Fenn just became a deity lol.
Section: A huge marble palace looking thing
Seldon (SELL-din) (he/him)
Deity of: cold, the moon, the stars, sadness
Creation Date: December 25th of the 0th year (6 days before time became accounted for)
Individual Abilities: cooling objects down, sensing the exact moon phase
He is Seare’s counterpart and leads alongside her. Also helped create Earth and created the moon and stars. He is celebrated on December 25th alongside Seare.
He’s more quiet than Seare, and is sad and unhappy a lot of the time. She always wants him to “smile more” but that’s easy for her to say when she’s the whole deity of happiness.
He never used to be so perpetually depressed, but as Earth gets sadder, so does he.
He blames himself for the deaths of both of his favorite humans.
He likes astrology and everything in regards to the moon and stars he created.
Fun fact: his hair changes colors with the moon phases :0 So it’s like all white on a full moon and all dark on a new moon.
Also another fun fact: he’s 6’6” (tall).
Section: An observatory type place with windows that you can see stars out of
Marin (MAH-rin) (she/her)
Deity of: time, numbers, logic, math, clocks
Creation Date: January 1st of the 1st year
Individual Abilities: always knows what time it is (in any timezone), can calculate anything instantly, can “reverse” time on things on Earth (she doesn’t reverse time itself but can just restore objects to their previous states). This reversal power doesn't work in The Deities' Haven.
Time started being accounted for when she came along, which was 6 days after the creation of Seare and Seldon and the Deities’ Haven. That’s why Creahtim (the celebration of Earth’s creation and Seare and Sel) is on the 25th of December; 6 days before the new year.
January 1st is when time started to be tracked (not to be confused with December 25th which is when Seare, Seldon, The Deities’ Haven, the sun, the moon, the stars, and Earth were created) The celebration of New Years (Marin’s celebration) is also very important in Amaranthine tradition.
It was confusing when she actually started the numbering of years by COUNTING DOWN from 5,206, but she knew what she was doing. These times are called B.G.W times (which is a lot like B.C. times but Amaranthine. You get the idea.)
Marin is actually mute. She uses sign language and writing to communicate instead of speech. She says she believes that actions speak far smarter and louder than words. It's unclear whether she can speak but chooses not to or is completely incapable of speech. She has never given anyone a direct answer.
Diehard Marin fans might take a vow of silence to follow her ways.
She has aphatasia :c the inability to create mental imagery. This makes it hard for her to create things when she wants because she cannot envision them. She usually needs to get another deity to help her create something if she needs it.
She is basically a walking calculator and the most accurate keeper of time in the universe. She gets annoyed when clocks are not on time, and she despises the humans' practice of spring forward because it "screws up the clocks."
Section: A nice lil workroom/house with a bunch of blackboards on the walls so she can do math and a bunch of clocks on the walls portraying dead accurate time for each and every time zone.